Glass Artist & Sculptor
“Glass for me is a feminine material - my partner and lover, open to my advances, responding to my touch. She has strength but is fluid, almost liquid in some ways. Defined in form but transparent, showing herself, allowing access but with such defined boundaries. Treat her with love and respect she grows more beautiful with each touch, repays a thousand times with shining beauty and elegance…so many facets and contradictions. There is a deep message in the fact that such a beautiful material comes from simple lifeless sand.“
There is NO one Jeremy Langford. I have within me multiple personalities, somewhat contradictory’ but…I live relatively peacefully with them all.
This is reflected in my artwork- I have an eclectic array of expression.
My dominant work flow is in architectural glass art, creating artwork for homes and major public projects while also creating studio glass and fine art sculpture.
In my architectural artwork I am a 'Site Specific Artist', since I work organically with the site within which I create art. I seek to mesh myself with the architecture- this may mean working with it in a harmonious fashion, and sometime working against it, creating a counterpoint whereby both the site and artwork express themselves fully-
“An exclamation mark is merely a line without the dot below it”.
In my own expressive artwork, mostly not shown on this website, I am myself - no restraints, no architectural site to think of – just my own free range of expression. Over the last few years I have been slowly working on new art- independent glass art and sculpture – studio glass- some expressing emotion, some beauty, power, cynicism and humor. In a great deal of my work I seek to evoke a connection between overt, physical reality and a more intangible, numinous place. Spirituality is a vital part of my being and I am constantly seeking a mode of expressing that ‘other reality’ through my work. This sometimes causes me to exude mild social commentary- 21st century Planet Earth is a weird place to inhabit.
I have seen better.
The classic masters, especially Da Vinci whose monochrome drawings and studies deeply inspire me, but even more so his range of intellect and fields of endeavor. I take much inspiration from some of the ancient Jewish texts, especially the Zohar. The work of Carl Jung has also had a profound influence on my approach to art. My late wife Yael opened to me the gates of physics, mathematics and neuroscience- we meshed these fields with art and spirituality. And how not to mention Gary Larson whose cartoons ‘The Far Side’- showed me how serious humor can be…or maybe that should be-“How humorous seriousness can be…”
Oh, incidentally if you want to read the regular bio stuff see here
Jeremy Langford exhibited at the Victoria & Albert Museum, London.